Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Immortal Hearts of San Francisco

Title: Immortal Hearts of San Francisco
Author: Susan Griscom
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR

Tempted by a Vampire, Book 1

Cian DeMarco, has lived in his beautiful mansion overlooking both the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean for the past seventy of his two-hundred and twenty years of his existence. Happily--or so he thought, preying on a different woman as often as his heart desires. Until the beautiful Magdalena De la Rosa sits down at one of the front-row tables in Club Royal where he and his band mates perform once a week. The scent of her blood has him completely undone and he's unable to contain his desire for her.

Magdalena De la Rosa has a new job and a gorgeous apartment in San Francisco. 

Everything is just the way she's imagined it could be... until she and her girlfriend find their way into an up scale night club and she's suddenly swept off her feet by a member of the rock band. Mesmerized by his gaze, his scent penetrates and embraces every cell of her body and she can't deny her own desires for him.

A temptation they can't resist, leads to a future they never imagined as sparks ignite between the two until a threat from Cian's past returns to wreak havoc on Cian's and Magdalena's lives. Will the desire to be together outweigh the reality of what Cian must do to keep Magdalena safe?

Captivated by a Vampire, Book 2

She's a vampire. He's human and the best investigative reporter in the city. Their worlds mix as well as oil and water, but their attraction to each other is electric.

Josh Barrett knows his priorities—reporting the news as quickly and accurately as possible by day, drinking himself into a self-loathing stupor by night. His workaholic tendencies can’t completely mask the broken, depressed man he is inside. The horrific night that changed his life forever and left him broken-hearted and alone is forever fresh in his thoughts. But the torture is no less than he deserves. Until a beautiful, sexy, and utterly mysterious woman enters his life and changes everything. Chelle is absolutely enchanting, her allure captivating and the reporter in him is determined to learn all of her secrets.

Newly turned vampire Chelle Masterson only wants to find her place. Her unrequited love and devotion for her maker Lane has left Chelle broken, vowing to never fall for any man again. She’s determined to find her way in the scary new world of the immortals and begs for the chance to prove herself—to prove that she’s capable of surviving without the others. 

Unfortunately, she meets trouble head-on with her very first victim and ends up face to face with a very charming and handsome stranger. He seems to only want to help, but can she trust him?

As Josh slowly wins Chelle over, she decides to utilize his skills as a reporter to help uncover her past—a dark past that she cannot remember, but one she desperately needs to learn. Being around him is addicting, their connection undeniable, and she finds her will to keep him at arm’s-length dwindling.

The simple act of a Good Samaritan spirals into an obsession—much more than either of them thought possible. Their love becomes unfathomable, but it may not be enough to overcome the hurdles standing in their way…

Rocked by a Vampire, Book 3

He’s dangerously sexy, insufferably arrogant, rude, and complicated as hell, yet what he reveals to her makes it impossible to stay angry and she can’t stop her growing desire for him.

Lane, the younger twin of two powerful and sexy vampires, has always walked in his brother’s shadow. And for good reason. There are monsters that plague his mind. Demons that once destroyed him. Broke him. Now, his desire for Vanessa torments him, igniting those revenants whenever he thinks of her. He’s desired her for months, but he hates what she is—what she stands for. Can the witch he loathes be the one to tame his demons, or will she only send him farther into hell?

He wants to claim her, own her until he discovers something about her he has no choice but to admire, and when she lets down her guard, all he wants to do is comfort her—love her.

Vanessa has her own fears to conquer. A witch by birthright, she’s powerful yet vulnerable. 

How the hell will she be able to help Lane defeat his demons if she can’t overcome her own?

They rock each other's worlds, but when evil comes knocking at their door, someone will need to die or they’ll lose each other forever.

Possessed by a Vampire, Book 4

They possess the power to make their dreams come true—but it won’t be easy.

Preston Knight—Elvis to his friends—loves being a vampire. The night he was turned was the first step to him becoming the kind of man he always hoped to be. Now, he’s a rock star. 

What could be better? But the one thing that would make his world complete is just out of reach. The woman he yearns for has some serious secrets, and despite him knowing that she wants him just as much as he wants her, she won’t let him in.

Lily Grey never asked to be a vampire. The choice was taken from her eons ago, and things never improved. Now, she finds herself peddling drugs on the streets of San Francisco and playing the part of doting wife to a possessive and sadistic vampire with delusions of grandeur. But family means everything to Lily, and she’s willing to sacrifice everything for it…even her one chance at happiness with the sexy-as-sin vampire who sets her heart ablaze.

When one night of passion opens the door for a century of secrets to be revealed, Lily and Preston must fight for not only what they believe in but also what they love.

Susan Griscom writes paranormal and contemporary romance. She's hooked on sexy romances and is a huge fan of superheroes and bad boys confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers, and abilities beyond the norm mixed with steamy romance, of course.

She loves those days when she gets to sit around in her sweat pants, doing nothing but writing emotionally charged stories about love and violence, and drinking coffee.

She lives in Northern California with her romantic husband and together they have five great superhero kids and eight mini-superhero grand kids, so far.

Learn more about Susan by visiting her website:

Author Links:

Buy Links:
Tempted by a Vampire (FREE):
Captivated by a Vampire:
Rocked by a Vampire:
Possessed by a Vampire:

Chelle’s eyes opened slowly as I slipped a finger into her folds. This was the third night in a row she’d found me at the diner. We’d chat for a while there, and then we’d end up back at my place, unable to keep our hands and tongues off each other. But every night, she’d leave. She’d never stay the entire night. I’d teased her about staying for breakfast a couple of times, but she always shook her head, saying she had to go, but never giving me a good reason. It was becoming a ritual, and I wondered if we would ever take it to the next level. A level where she’d let me pick her up and take her out someplace nice. Then cook her breakfast in the morning after we’d satiated ourselves in the physical sense. I wasn’t complaining. The sex was great. More than great. She was beyond my wildest dreams in that area.

We’d slept most of the night, and I had woken up, realizing I had a hard-on because Chelle was still sleeping beside me. She hadn’t left yet, and I wanted to make certain I made the most of it as I wasn’t sure if this was a new phase to our relationship or if she’d just overslept.

“Mmmm…” she moaned. “You’re spoiling me.”

“I aim to please.”

“Just the kind of man I like.”

“I thought you didn’t want to date,” I said as I pressed tiny kisses down her neck and over her breasts.

“I don’t,” she said a little breathlessly and trailed her finger over my shoulder then over my pecs. The sensation tickled and my cock grew even harder.

“Then what is it you want?” I said, pulling her up on top of me so that her legs straddled my thighs.

“I think you can figure that out, Josh,” she said as she cupped my balls in her other hand, surprising the shit out of me.

“You don’t want to go on a date with me, but you want to fuck me?”

“I knew you were smart.”

I laughed. “And here I thought you were a nice girl.”

“There you go again with the insults,” she said, but laughed. “I am a nice girl. I’m a very nice girl who happens to like sex.”

“That’s all you want from a relationship? Sex?”

“I’m not looking for a relationship. That’s why I don’t date. Dating makes it too much like a relationship.”

Her hands slid up along my chest as her eyes glanced over at the table beside the bed. “Oh, my fucking—”

“What’s wrong?”

“Is that the correct time?”

I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Yeah, it’s six-fifteen. Good morning.” I smiled and slipped my hand behind her head, tugging her head down so I could nuzzle her neck, but she slid off of me and jumped out of bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to leave.”

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