Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Forever Cursed

Title: Forever Cursed
Author: Sarah J Pepper
Genre: New Adult Fantasy Romance
Editor: Nadine Winningham
Publisher: Neximus Publishing
Photographer: Wilcoxon Photography
Makeup: Platinum Imagination Hair and Makeup
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


Captain James

Peter may as well be imprisoned on Neverland with us for he consumes Miss Bell’s thoughts, stealing her away from me. His retaliation is a constant threat of which we cannot escape. Even so, that pathetic excuse of a man is the least of my worries.

Corrupt and vile creatures rule this tiny spit of land, brought here by fairies, by Miss Bell.

Whether she admits it or not, she needs my protection. Yet, I catch her glancing at my severed arm with pity in her eyes. She thinks of me as weak, injured, and any number of inadequacies. Feck. I will not stand for it! I will protect her even if it costs me my life.

Miss Bell

Captain James makes no attempt to shield the darkness harbored in his eyes, like he wants me—needs me—to see what most people do. Ruthlessness. Turmoil. Devastation.

“Remember that the same hand I use to caress your delicate skin has been stained with the blood of my enemies,” he says, cupping my cheek. “Do not assume my affection for you is something others have experienced. Understood, Miss Bell?”

I understand. Hell, I am counting on it. Peter would rather see me dead than in the arms of another, and I have no intention of dying—especially not when Captain James makes me feel so alive.

Award Winning Author, Sarah J. Pepper, specializes in fantasy and paranormal romance. She unveils the beauty of love in her new adult/young adult novels. Her works envelope dark, paranormal romance - think "happy ever after" but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn't only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It's in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of - both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn't always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn't mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit? Get a glimpse inside her head at www.sarahjpepper.com.

Author Links:

Buy Links: 
Neverland Evermore: http://amzn.to/2x4lSSt
Forever Cursed: http://amzn.to/2xBpkWz

I demanded, “Who are you?”

Her raspy voice dripped with hunger as she looked at me like I was her next victim. “You don’t remember me?”

That wasn’t a Goddamn answer. I didn’t trust her, not for one godforsaken second.

“Sod off,” I sneered.

She slowly shook her head, back and forth, holding my gaze. “No, Captain Hook.”

The way she said my fecking name ignited a fury buried deep inside my soul. I wrenched her arm, tearing her off me and throwing her into the crashing waves.

Water dripped down her face, spilling onto her neck when she stood. The water pulled her clothing, encasing it tight to her lithe body. My knuckles cracked as I forced myself to carry the intense weight of her gaze rather than her succulent figure.

“You are a temptress,” I acknowledged.

A smile touched her face. “So I’ve been told.” Without batting an eye, she inched closer like 
I was her prey, not the other way around.

My finger itched for my sword. I promised myself I could end this creature’s life if she took one more step. “What are you?”

She exhaled slowly, measuring my every move with that brash stare. Finally, she licked her bottom lip and then whispered, “I am your curse.”

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